Meet Demi

Demi is not just a goddess; she's a complete sensory experience.

We've meticulously trialed our colors and scents with test groups to craft an immersive encounter that marries visual and olfactory sensations, resulting in a true work of art.

Allow Demi to wield her enchanting influence, adorning your space with elegance and filling the air with exquisite fragrance that responds to her looks.

The Magic Four

Graceful on the outside, delicious on the inside

Our beloved Demi candle, akin to a goddess of tranquility, is lovingly composed from a blend of German soft olive wax and Swedish soy wax, meticulously hand-mingled to summon the serene ambiance of a Mediterranean olive grove.

Crafted with two cotton wicks, the Demi Candle ensures an even burn, enhancing the overall fragrance experience while providing a beautiful, flickering light that dances gracefully.